Quickstart Guide


You can configure PyFactCast through environment variables or a configuration file. The configuration file includes the ability to use profiles.

For the minimum you will need to set the following variables in your environment:

  • GRPC_SERVER (required): The location of your server e.g. some-server.my-company.local:443

  • GRPC_INSECURE: If set an insecure channel without authentication will be created. Helpful for working with local factcasts.


  • GRPC_USER: The username for basic auth.

  • GRPC_PASSWORD: The password for basic auth.

if your fact store requires authentication.

Details on how to configure PyFactCast can be found here: Configuration. Using a configuration file based approach is recommended for CLI use.


The CLI app is described in this part of the documentation: Command Line Reference.

The client can be used programmatically as you would any other python class.